Been a very busy girl this past 2weeks. After seeing this on IACW I went straight out and bought some perfect pink wool to give it a go. I am a complete beginner at knitting but this pattern was so straightforward. It took a week to knit but I did have a few distractions (6 hours on phone over weekend to sobbing friend in meltdown :( ) but I am so pleased with the results.

Of course the girls decided they HAD to have scarfs too but didn't want twirlys so another trip to the wool shop saw me coming home with velvet touch wool in pink, yellow and a rainbow mix. After knitting just 3 inches I had fallen madly in love with this wool it is the softest wool I've ever felt. I am completely addicted and just have to go back and buy more just incase I find something to use it for lol

The cushion was fun to make I'd seen a few on other blogs and just had to have a go especially as I'd kept the straps of a wee dress of Daisy's that was cut up for other projects, I knew they'd be useful one day. I think it's my favourite cushion so far