I'm a single mum of 2 gorgeous little girls. they take up most of my time but I do sometimes have time to scrapbook or watch a movie. I love papercrafts and I'm always on the lookout for gorgeous things that can be made with pretty paper and card. I'm still a relative newbie to it all though so my work is in no way perfect. Have just discovered patchwork and quilting which is fast becoming an addiction. I love sewing and have recently discovered crocheting.
Also "mum" to 2 moggies and 2 bunnies
Mintay Paper Blossom Serenity - Spring Snapshots
Hi, Karen here. I'm so excited that meteorological spring began on
Saturday, and I've been celebrating by crafting with Mintay Paper's
beautiful Blossom ...
Summer Speed
Hello! Just popping in very quickly in amongst wrapping a big parcel,
making a packed lunch, sorting laundry, dashing out to the shops, and
packing for a f...
I have been playing with thumb tacks/drawing pins... lots of them... in
fact, 400 of them for this Gae of Thrones dragon's egg!
It's actually quite soot...
What happens next?
My previous post made shocking reading I know, there's no way to sugar
coat having a heart attack, I wish there was.
It has taken a long time to get back ...
New Seasons
Normally at this time of year as one season blends into another, the days
get shorter, and the nights draw in earlier, I have a little wobble. I'm
If you are looking for my previous 200 posts, (dating as far back at
Sept.2008 - I know, I can't believe it either!), please note that my blog
is making a...
a New Blog Space!
https://blog.donnadowney.com/ stop over for a visit! * we are working on
developing a new blog space and migrating all of out Artist Gang, Curator
and Find...
How to record 2017
Another year rolls by and I am only just starting to think about
documenting 2017. If you follow me on Instagram, you will know this year
did not start wel...
Mums last Cancer research charity event *sob*
Every year we all love going to mums up in Berwick and taking part in the
charity event they organise. Each year since my dad died, mum and a few
other re...
Handmade Easter Inspiration
The countdown is on and the kids are on holidays already!
We are preparing for another Handmade Easter Market, I thought that I
would share these super cu...
the end ...
did you know it is eight years since i started tippity tapping away here
on my shiny happy place. i went way back and found my first post. i really ...
A Bit More Advertising!
Too busy to do anything blog wise, but one can always find a bit of time
for advertising oneself aye?!! Anyway we have a new business, online of
course. ...
It's been a while
Almost 3 months since my last post... A lot has happened in the meantime, a
few weekend breaks, a tiny bit of craftiness, being unwell for a few weeks,
Life is definitely a Roller Coaster.....
*Our lives at the moment are a complete Roller Coaster as Gary's father is
unfortunately dying and we are in and out of the hospital never knowing if
the n...
A mini album in an egg
Another totally creative mini album.
This time it is a mini photo album inside this shabby chic swan designed
egg made by Loriete from A perfect waste of ti...
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