Over Christmas I made a cute Yule sign which when the festive season was over it left a bare spot on my wall that was just crying out to be replaced by a similar sign that I can keep up for the other 11 months of the year and this is what I came up with

Easter Baskets
My easter baskets taken from here http://nicholeheady.typepad.com/capture_the_moment/2007/07/papertrey-newsl.html
My easter baskets taken from here http://nicholeheady.typepad.com/capture_the_moment/2007/07/papertrey-newsl.html
these are made from a toilet roll middle cut into thirds and covered in pretty paper with a handle and scalloped circle base cut from cardstock. The eggs are really tiny mini eggs - half the size of the normal one which I got from Asda for 99p a bag, Tesco also do them for the same price
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