Wow I am seriously going to have to make a late new years resolution to keep this blog updated. I have some catch up to do.
The new years resolution that I did make and keep (for once) was to learn how to crochet and thanks to a new magazine called The Art of Crochet and a wonderful blog I have managed to learn the basics so far and I have made a start using a brilliant step by step tutorial from Attic24 here I am using pinks and cream to make mine and so far it's going well although I underestimated the amount of wool I'd need so will have to stock up on saturday.
I've also been trying to go a bit further with my knitting than just scarves and hats and have made wrist warmers and leg warmers as well as a bag that I am so very proud of. Maybe this year I will learn to use double pointed needles and try socks.
I havent done any scrapping this year yet, i'm not sure if its because the crochet and knitting bug has taken over or if it's just that I havent found any challenges that have jumped out at me yet, hopefully i'll get back into it again soo as I finally got my prize from IACW that I won back in May but due to postal strikes Ice and snow and the fact it was coming from America it took a while getting here but it was worth it, It's a kit from Scraproom and everything in the kit is just beautiful and it even came with a sachet of fancy filter cofee which I posted to my sister as I'm not a coffee drinker but she is.
Mintay Paper Blossom Serenity - Spring Snapshots
Hi, Karen here. I'm so excited that meteorological spring began on
Saturday, and I've been celebrating by crafting with Mintay Paper's
beautiful Blossom ...
4 days ago